Monday 5 December 2011

Best Day Ever ? :D

I and Fion went to Melanie's house today . (:
Her house is going to 'BOOM' soon . Haha.
Me and Fion play until like were crazeyyy ! so stupid :D  Her father's room let us make dao so messy dude . xDD We keep use webcam take photo . Muahahahah ss po lai gehh :P  Melanie has no reaction gehh :/ She juz sit thr and play her Maple Story :P
Then, we go see Youtube . -Slinglish .Cow,Mad,Choir . :D Funny dao  stomachache . Most funny was , Fion keep running & screamingg cuz got a dog keep chasing her . xDD She wanna cry liao ? Idk xPP

<3 Most CRAZEYYY Day Ever <3 . Haha. :P